Friday, July 13, 2018

Where It All Began In Pangasinan (Part 1: Parola Beach)

We haven’t posted updates for a long time because of some adjustments we were going through.  We also had to transfer our special one to another clinic.  He was only taking his speech therapy in this new clinic but he was making so many improvements that we decided to transfer his OT to this clinic as well.

This year’s annual adventure with our extended family took us to the province of Pangasinan once again.  It’s the third time we’ve been there already and it seems that the province has become our group’s home court.  Our trip was basically unplanned because we only set the date with no clear plan on where to go.  It was at the last minute when we decided to go to Pangasinan again because somebody had to attend a high school reunion there.  Even after we decided to go to Pangasinan, we still didn’t have any clear itinerary so the trip just had us going with the flow.
sunrise at nlex
Sunrise at NLEX (North Luzon Expressway)
stop over at manaoag church
Our annual mandatory visit to Manaoag
Our first day was spent in Tobuan, Labrador, Pangasinan, the home town of one of our peers.  We had two choices that day but we settled for the nearest place since it was already noon.  We went to what the locals call “Parola Beach” because of a small lighthouse (actually more of a light post) on top of the hill.  It's actually located at Sual but it was just a very short boat ride away from Tobuan beach where we were staying.  
leaving tobuan beach labrador pangasinan
Leaving Tobuan Beach, Labrador, Pangasinan 
leaving tobuan beach labrador pangasinan
All aboard!

portuguese point sual pangasinan
Headed to Portuguese Point in Sual Pangasinan

parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
Just arrived! 
We had the place all to ourselves when we got there.  The beach wasn’t a resort nor were there any cottages, structures, toilets, showers.  It was essentially a virgin beach but the sad part was that some people who visited the beach left their garbage there.
parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
Parola Beach at Portuguese Point, Sual, Pangasinan

parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
Kids immediately hit the water as soon as we arrived!

parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
The place has lots of shade in the afternoon
The beach was generally safe for our little ones since the waters were shallow and there were seaweeds that served as barrier to the deeper parts.  The beach was also alive and there were lots of fish and sea critters around.   Our special one was also enjoying a lot.  However, since he made significant milestones in his therapies, he became more playful and naughty.  Perhaps he was beginning to explore his newly discovered capabilities.  So even though it was generally safe for children, our special one tended to run around while playfully trying to escape us.  We had our eyes on him a lot of times.

parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
Enjoying the day

parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
Shallow waters

parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
Just floating around

parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
Just right for the kids

parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
Trying out snorkeling

parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
Time to build a sand castle

sand art at parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
...or not!

parrot fish at parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
Someone's hiding in the forest of seaweeds

starfish at parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
There are lots of starfish too (these ones are already dead, floating on the waters when we picked them up)

starfish at parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
But this one's still alive. Better leave it be and just view it from a distance

parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
Late afternoon and they're still playing
It was almost dusk when we returned to Tobuan.  We didn’t mind the time that much because the place was very close.  We spent the night at our friend’s house there at Tobuan beach.
parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
Feeling photographer haha!

parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
The sun's already hiding behind the hill

parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
Family at the rockies, looking for sea critters

parola beach portuguese point sual pangasinan
Receding tide

boat ride to tobuan beach labrador pangasinan
Time to go back
Travel means:
Private Vehicle:  Access to “Parola Beach” is easiest through Tobuan Beach which is accessible via Labrador-Sual Road, just before Sual town proper, near Covelandia Du Labrador Beach Resort.  There is a small sign along the highway pointing through a narrow road that leads to the beach.  This is where you can park your vehicle and rent a boat going to Parola.  The boatmen can also take you to other places of interest nearby.  Just ask them and negotiate.  Just don’t expect the parking spaces to be wide, paved parking.  Tobuan beach is not a developed resort but is actually a fishing village.  The locals run the beach and they just put up cottages along the beach that they rent out.   A better alternative will be to check in at one of the resorts in Labrador so you’ll have secure parking and a place to spend the night.

Public Transport:  According to the website of Five Star Bus Company, they have buses going to Labrador, Pangasinan.  Tobuan Beach is just along the highway but I’m not sure if you can alight there from the bus.  You may ask the conductor if they can drop you off there, else you can alight at either Sual or Labrador town proper and take a tricycle to Tobuan Beach.

Kidsentials and advise for autism families:
  • ·      Aqua shoes are recommended because some areas around the beach are rocky and there might be sea urchins.
  •       You may want to bring life vests for kids but this isn’t actually necessary because the waters are shallow and there’s a forest of seaweeds around the shallow part that can serve as fence to keep the kids within the “safe” area.
  •         Always bring your first aid kit.
  •     There are lots of marine life around the area, including small fish, star fish and shellfish.  Take the opportunity to educate the kids and let them see these creatures in their natural habitat.  Just remember to avoid touching or displacing them.

Other general tips:
  • ·    There’s no resort at Parola Beach.  There aren’t any cottages, toilets, shower rooms, lifeguards, stores, etc.  The place is just bare, virgin beach.  Bring everything you will need, especially food and water.  Tents may not be necessary since there are trees in the area.  Bring waterproof picnic blankets instead.
  • ·    It’s not recommended to stay overnight at the beach.  Just spend a few hours there and transfer to another place of interest if you like.  There are other nearby destinations at Labrador so it would be best if you book the boat for multiple destinations.
  • ·     Check in at one of the resorts around Labrador so you’ll have a place to stay. 
  •        As always, clean up before you go and take your trash with you.  It was sad to see that there are some garbage left at the beach by some of the visitors who were there before us.  Taking care of our environment is very important so that our children and their future families can also enjoy a clean and healthy environment.

1 comment:

  1. Nice one! Since the pandemic's onset, we go to Tobuan almost evety werkend to visit our small property where the view of Sual Bay is very calming. Our property is just opposite the Portugues point.
